10 Ways to Reward Weight Loss Efforts Without Food

By Carmen Staicer - DietsInReview.com

If you are in the habit of rewarding yourself with food for a job well done, what do you do when those treats no longer fit your diet plans? When you are trying to lose weight, it goes against all you are working toward to celebrate that five pound weight loss with a big slab of cheesecake (unless you're prepared to hit the gym to burn those 500 calories!).

As you work toward your weight loss goals, staying motivated can become very difficult. Often rewarding yourself is just the motivation you need. So here are 10 non-food rewards to celebrate your hard work.

  • Purchase a new exercise DVD

  • Try a new fitness class - if you are walking, try a spin or martial arts class. You have to think beyond your comfort zone!

  • A new outfit to set off your slimmer figure

  • New music for your MP3 player

  • Reward your hard working muscles with a massage

  • Get a mini makeover with a new hair color or new makeup

  • Start a savings account and set aside a small amount of money for each pound lost - between $1 and $5. When you reach your goal, donate that money to your local food bank.

  • Do something you never had the courage to do when you were heavy. Maybe hang gliding, sky diving, or para sailing?

  • Get a new tattoo or piercing

  • Schedule meet-ups with friends in a non-food atmosphere. Why not catch up while hiking or get pedicures?

How do reward yourself for all of your hard work?

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