20 Signs of Adult ADD

Sarah Jio,Glamour magazine

We've talked about ADHD here before, and in case you're curious whether you have any symptoms of the disorder, one expert shares a list...

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Dr. Kevin Ross Emery
, author of Managing the Gift of Your ADD/HD Child says that there are millions of adults who were never diagnosed in childhood and are dealing with ADD/HD symptoms in an unproductive way. More reason to identify the disorder and find ways to live healthier and happier.

He says that these are the most common traits of people with adult ADD/HD:

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- Organizationally challenged
- Trouble starting and finishing projects
- Miss social cues
- Difficulty being subtle
- Hyper-focused to the point of losing track of time
- Multi-tasks to the point of distraction
- Does not work well in traditional workplace setting
- Marital troubles
- Poor listening skills
- Chronic lateness
- Angry outbursts
- Trouble prioritizing
- Gets bored easily
- Naturally rebellious
- Addictive personality
- Tendency towards self medicating
- High energy
- Highly creative
- Good problem solver, innovator, inventor
- When interested love to learn, share and teach new things

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Does this list describe you?

P.S. One Vitamin G reader shares her life with Adult ADD, and 10 ways that she copes.

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