3 Habits Of Health - The Practice of Powerful Wellbeing

by Dianne Orwig for Success Television

In one of the best books ever written, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen Covey

7 Habits Of Health - The Practice of Powerful Wellbeing
7 Habits Of Health - The Practice of Powerful Wellbeing

explains, "Our character is a composite of our habits."

So, too, is the case when it comes to your health. It isn't the occasional slip ups here and there that define overall health, but the day-to-day rituals, practices, and behaviors that mold how your body looks, feels and performs.

Check out my version of Stephen's Habits - what I call the Habits of Health - and see if all are operating at full capacity in your current lifestyle. Use the following list to checkmark any areas that might need a little more focus and attention. You body and your life will thank you - that's a promise.

#1 - The Habit of Rest

Remember in Kindergarten, when we used to spend a few minutes every afternoon on our mats in a dark, cool, quiet room? Wasn't that great? Although rest and relaxation are typically last on the list of things people associate with fitness and health, they are actually some of the most important. If you have a hard time sitting still, feel guilty when you take a break, can't remember the last time your mind wasn't racing 100 miles an hours, or sleeping is more like a wrestling match rather than a snooze fest, chances are your health is suffering because of it. PRACTICE discovering the art of napping, work on a crossword puzzle, watch a funny movie, or do something that makes you feel pampered. Just 10 minutes of "me" time a day can make all the difference in the world, and the more time you can block out, the more your life and your health will benefit.

#2 - The Habit of Passion

If everything you do in an effort to improve your health is based on sacrifice, deprivation and pain, any results you achieve will be fleeting at best. The key to lasting health and fitness is to become passionate and excited about the changes you are making, whether it's your diet or your exercise program. PRACTICE choosing activities that you look forward to. Block out a specific time each day to try something different that will get your heart pumping. Find a new nature trail, try out a new yoga DVD, or take a dance lesson. Instead of resisting foods you love, try finding or creating an alternative recipe. Who knows, you might end up loving the alternative even more than the original!

3 - The Habit of Body Awareness

Much of mainstream fitness protocol demands that you ignore the body rather than listen to it. We're told to push the body way past its limits with too much exercise, pretend we're not hungry when we are starving, and overlook fatigue or disinterest when our routine becomes overwhelming. PRACTICE listening to your body when it wants to stop. Keep in mind that quick progress is made when the body is pushed ever so slightly past its current ability, not way, way past it. Most of all, listen to your GUT - both internally and intuitively. One of the best guidance systems in the world, one that can tell you which decisions are best both physically and spiritually, is that good old "gut" instinct. Trust it.

Click here to see the other Habits>>