3 Moves to Get a Bikini Body While Watching TV

Sure, we all want sexy abs à la

Gwen Stefani and Jennifer Aniston's great gams, but few of us have the money to shell out for a high-powered celebrity trainer, and with life's fast pace we're lucky to even make it to the gym. Next time you're feeling more motivated to inhale a tub of ice cream while watching the latest episode of Glee, put down the spoon and pick up the dumbbells. Celeb fitness trainer Kit Rich, showed us how to squeeze in a full workout during the commercial breaks of your favorite prime-time shows.

Couch Dips: Sitting on the edge of your couch, place your hands next to your sides with your fingertips facing forward. Roll your shoulders back and open your chest. Slide your body off the couch, keeping it close. On an inhale, bend your elbows so that your butt is trying to touch the floor. On an exhale, lift back up to starting position.

What it does: Strengthens and tones triceps.

Do as many reps as you can do in a commercial. Rest for another commercial, and then repeat for the following commercial.
Super Size: Dip for the entire commercial break, or alternate every other commercial with these exercises to firm up your arms.

Good form tip: Make sure your feet are out from underneath your body. You should be able to see them. Keep your chest open, look forward at the television, and squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Want more?
Burn fat in just 10 minutes a day.

Cushion Crunch: Lying on your back, knees bent, place a pillow underneath the lower to middle part of your back. Place your hands behind your head with elbows wide. Pull your belly button into your spine. On an exhale, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, pushing your back into the pillow for a count of 3 seconds, and slowly lower back down for a count of 3.

What it does: Strengthens your abs.

Reps: Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Super Size:
Add these power moves to further flatten your abs.

Good form tip: Keep space (the size of an orange) between your chin and your chest and keep elbows wide. Lift from your shoulder blades, not your neck.
Want more?Flatten your stomach with these easy tricks.

Sit-Up/Sit-Down Squats: Holding a heavy book, extend arms straight out in front of you, shoulder height with shoulder blades pulled down away from the ears. Sit at the edge of the couch or chair, feet hip-width apart, and maintain a neutral spine. Sit up tall. Engage the abs and on an exhale, push into the heels and stand straight up. Keeping the arms out in front of you, with chest open, slowly sit back down on the couch, keeping the energy in your heels. Keep your gaze forward.

What it does: Strengthens and tones glutes, hamstrings, quads, lats, and shoulders. Helps improve balance.

Reps: Do as many as you can do in a commercial break.
Super Size:Work these great leg moves into the mix.

Good form tip: Avoid bringing your knees over the toes. Keeping all of the weight in the heels helps maintain proper form. To make it easier, lose the book and keep your hands on your hips or if needed, use your hands as a little extra support to help you get off the couch with control.
Want more?Do this to get a better butt in 30 days.

Get the rest of Rich's workout!

PLUS: Once you've got that hot beach body, show it off in the perfect bathing suit for your body shape.

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Reprinted by Hearst Communications, Inc.