4 Breathing Exercises Every Woman Should Do

By Heather Ashare - Yoga Expert for DietsInReview.com

If eliminating our life's problems was just as simple as breathing, many of us might be much happier and more peaceful. But in truth, controlling our reaction to the stress in our lives can be as simple and easy as mindful breathing.

Focused breathing doesn't just decrease tension, it also gives a boost to energy levels, improves posture, cleanses the lungs and expands the capacity of the respiratory system. While meditation evokes feelings of intimidation, breathing exercises, often done in yoga class, can be an effective alternative to bringing a sense of calm into our frenzied lives.

But you don't have to be sitting in lotus position during a yoga class to reap the benefits of focused breathing. Breathing exercises can be done anywhere. Plus, they are quick and free to do, and can be performed by anyone.

Here are four breathing exercises that every woman should do to keep her mind steady and her energy uplifted.

1. Sit or stand in a comfortable and relaxed position. Close your eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose counting to five slowly. Exhale slowly through your mouth as you count to seven in your head. Repeat at least five times.

2. Sit in a tall and upright position. Imagine your chest to be a deflated balloon. Inhale through your nose as if you were inflating the balloon. As you exhale, without allowing your shoulders to droop or hunch, push the air out of your balloon (chest). As you do this, pay special attention to keep your breath smooth, not forced. You want to release tension, not create more.

3. Exhale completely through your mouth. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose counting to five in your head. Hold your breath for four counts. Exhale through your mouth making a whooshing noise for six counts. Repeat this at least three times.

4. Lie on your back, eyes closed, with the palms of your hands resting on your lower belly. Inhale and fill your belly and chest with air. Pause. Then exhale slowly as you relax your rib cage and abdomen. Relax your face and your mind as you practice this kind of breathing for three to five minutes.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to using your breath as a tool to reduce stress and improve your sense of wellness. Taking a few minutes out of your day to set your gaze inward and breath with mindfulness is one of the most simple, effective and safe ways to produce a sense of relaxation. Your mind, heart and health will thank you.

September is yoga month! Learn more about this healthy practice:

A Beginner's Guide to Yoga

Most Popular Yoga Classes

Yoga Dictionary

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