4 Steps to Getting Your Resolution Back on Track

It's been four weeks since you made your New Year's resolution - how's it going? Whether you pledged to lose weight, cut out fried foods or start searching for a new job, we've approached the time of year where it's common to lose sight of our goals and slide back towards old habits. Try these four simple steps to getting your resolve back on track!

Reassess Your Goal: One of the most common resolution pitfalls? Devising a plan that is a bit too ambitious. If you're starting to realize your goal was a little extreme, consider this permission to scale it back! Pledged to lose 50 pounds? Try striving to drop 10 instead-and then 10 more after you succeed!

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Try The Buddy System: If you were having trouble self-motivating, grab a buddy and make a go of it together. Working towards a goal with a pal makes you more likely to actually stick to your commitment, whether that means actually showing up for early morning runs or getting together to whip up healthy, slimming home cooked meals when the take out menu is calling your name.

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Motivate Yourself: I am a believer in positive reinforcement. If you stick to your exercise routine for two solid weeks, treat yourself to a shopping trip to outfit your newly toned physique. By reminding yourself of the rewards coming your way, the entire experience is likely to be more constructive, as opposed to based on the fear of failure. Plus, people who were able to visualize themselves succeeding were better able to muster the resolve to motivate themselves in the first place, reveals a study in the Journal of Sports & Exercise Psychology.

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Give Yourself a Do-Over! You need to expect mistakes and anticipate that the whole journey will not be perfectly smooth. Get away from the all-or-nothing method of thinking and next time you find your behavior slipping off track, forgive yourself and resolve to do better at the next meal...or workout...or job interview. Trying to maintain extreme behaviors is a recipe for feeling like a failure. Indulged in an extra cookie (or three) at lunch? Forget about it and pledge to make dinner a healthier affair!

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