5 Ab Exercises for a Faster Run

Ball Crunch
Ball Crunch

By the editors for FITNESS Magazine

Get a whittle faster. In a study, runners who did these moves four times weekly shaved a minute off their 5K times in six weeks. Try two sets of 12 reps each.

Related: The FITNESS Guide to Running

Ball Crunch

Lie faceup on a stability ball, knees bent 90 degrees, feet on floor. Put hands behind head with elbows out to sides and crunch up, then lower.

Source: Study at Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida

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Hip Raise
Hip Raise

Hip Raise

Lie faceup on floor with heels on ball, legs extended, arms by sides. Lift hips, forming a diagonal line from heels to shoulders. Hold for 1 count; lower.

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Back Extension
Back Extension

Back Extension

Lie facedown on ball, knees bent and feet on wall behind you, toes on floor. Bend elbows by sides, bringing fists in front of shoulders. Lift upper body; lower.

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Arm/Leg Reach
Arm/Leg Reach

Arm/Leg Reach

Start on all fours. Slowly extend left arm and right leg at the same time until both are parallel to floor; hold for 1 second. Return to start. Switch sides and repeat to complete 1 rep.

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Russian Twist
Russian Twist

Russian Twist

Lie faceup on ball, knees bent, feet on floor. Extend arms toward ceiling and clasp hands. Keeping hips still, rotate upper body to right, then left, to complete 1 rep.

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