5 Things You Must Know Before Getting the Flu Shot

By Jenny Everett, SELF magazine

Flu season is peaking over the next several months, and this year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is urging everyone over the age of 6 months to get a flu shot. That means you!

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The flu causes approximately 5 million illnesses each year, and you don't want to be one of the victims. It's miserable!
We called on pharmacists and sorted through the latest CDC data and studies to come up with this list of things you should know before getting vaccinated.

1. If you're preggers, it's a must.

Fewer than half of all pregnant women get the flu vaccine. Don't be one of them! When you have a baby brewing, you're at an increased risk for flu-related complications, so it's particularly important to get vaccinated.

And it not only protects you: A recent study in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine suggests that babies born to moms who get the flu shot may have some additional protection against the virus (since they can't get vaccinated until they're 6 months old, this is a very good thing!).

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Do not opt for the nasal spray vaccine -- which contains a weakened "live" virus -- and, if you're worried about Thimerasol in the vaccine, preservative-free versions are available, says Stacia Woodcock, a Walgreens pharmacy manager in New York. Check in with your doc for details.

2. Feeling sniffly? Don't blame the shot.
It is a myth that you can catch the flu from the vaccine. According to Amy Arbogast, a CVS pharmacist in Indianapolis, Ind., the injectable flu shot contains viruses that are inactive -- literally dead viruses.

"Because flu season typically coincides with cough and cold season, people may mistake cold symptoms for flu systems."

3. One and done.
Unlike last year, you only need to get one shot. According to Arbogast, this year's vaccine protects you from three flu strains including H1N1 and the new strain H3N2.

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4. Make it painless.
If you tend to get anxious before getting a shot, be sure to eat and drink something beforehand to help prevent nerve-related nausea, says Martha Sullivan, director of health services at the College of the Holy Cross. And, hey, throw in something sweet: In some studies, kids who were given sugar before an injection felt less pain.

5. One excuse not to get the flu shot.
If you're allergic to eggs or think you might be, talk to your doc before getting stuck.

Click here to find flu shot locations near you.

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