5 Ways to Get Back on Track with Your Workout

Source: 5 Ways to Get Back on Track With Your Workout

If your Memorial Day weekend was (understandably) more about barbecues than barbells, it's time to get back on track with your workout routine. Here are five ways you can start this short week on the right sneaker-clad foot.

  • Get it out of the way: Wake up and shape up - that way you won't have to worry about fitting in a workout in the evening. Here's something to get you motivated: morning exercisers burn more calories than those who exercise later in the day.

  • Aim for short: A little is better than nothing, so block out 10 minutes of your day to do a quick workout. Once you've warmed up, add intensity to make it more effective. Try any of these 10 workouts in 10 minutes or less for today's exercise.

  • Break it up: You don't have to think of your workout as a 45-minute chunk out of your day. Start with a morning workout in your living room (our Class FitSugar video workouts make it easy to follow along), take a walk at lunch, and end the day with a restorative and quick yoga sequence. You'll fit in without dreading your workout time.

  • Take it easy: Warm up to the idea of a week of workouts by starting out on your easy day. Low-intensity workouts will help you get your body moving, which is what is important.

  • Reward yourself: Can't think of anything you'd rather do than curl up on your couch? Reward yourself with much-needed couch time only after you've done something active for the day; you'll feel good about the day not going to waste, without feeling guilty.

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