6 Simple Weight-Loss Tricks that Really Work

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CN Digital Studio

By April Daniels Hussar,SELF magazine

Hitting a bit of a slump with your New Year's weight-loss resolutions? Angela Ginn, RD, spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says there are six easy slim-down tricks that really and truly work. Read on, and you'll be bikini-ready by Memorial Day weekend!

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1. Chew gum.
"It really works!" says Ginn. Grab a piece of sugar-free gum when you have a sweet tooth, like sugar-free key lime pie or good old mint. According to Ginn, studies confirm that repeatedly chewing gum over time can contribute to you eating fewer snacks and creating a negative energy balance -- i.e. you burn more calories than you take in! "For example," says Ginn, "An average woman may take in 1,500 calories per day, but by chewing gum, she only consumes 1,300 calories per day, creating a negative energy balance." Sweet! (Bonus: According to the American Dental Association, chewing sugarless gum after eating can help prevent tooth decay.)

2. Eat breakfast every day.

"Make time for whole grains in the morning," says Ginn. Starting off your day with a healthy breakfast helps keeps your blood sugar balanced and prevents you from getting hungry for a fattening or empty-calorie snack before lunch. Plus, according to the National Weight Control Registry, which tracks more than 5,000 people who have lost 30 or more pounds and kept them off for at least a year, most people who slim down manage to find time to fuel up every morning. Research also indicates that women who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat at later meals.

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3. Snack smart on protein!
Ginn says research shows higher protein snacks may reduce the amount of food you consume at the next meal. "Protein can keep you fuller longer," says Ginn. "Try low-fat cheese, turkey roll-ups or even a handful of nuts."

4. Eat more soup.

Add more volume to your diet with broth-based soups, full of vegetables. Dieters that consume soup can lose more weight, says Ginn, explaining that volume fills you up, but the calories are still low.

5. Take your time!

No scarfing down a meal in between items on your to-do list. "Enjoy your meal for at least 20 minutes," says Ginn. "This will decrease the chances of you overeating because it gives your brain time to receive the signal of fullness."

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6. Get some sleep.
Ginn points to a University of Michigan study that found when sleep replaces "idle time" (time spent doing mindless activities like watching TV or surfing the Internet), people's daily caloric intake drops by an average of 6 percent. Why? Because those pastimes are ideal moments for unnecessary snacking! Plus, says Ginn, evidence has shown that a lack of sleep may increase your appetite. Anyone ready for a nap?

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