6 Summer Wedding Get-Fit Tips

Did you know about 80 percent of your fitness success stems from your diet, which means that exercise is only part of the equation? There's no one secret behind slimming down, but rather a whole set of secrets that need to work together. Here are six ways to put a wedding fitness plan in motion.

Photo: Stephen Lewis
Photo: Stephen Lewis

1. Juice Up!

Once just a wacky Hollywood fad, wedding juice diet plans are fast becoming as ubiquitous as yoga and Lululemon pants. Before you drink up-or sign up for a multiday cleanse-get the lowdown on these liquids, and four juice recipes you can try at home.

2. Start Sculpting
Whether you're a beginner or a fitness fanatic, personal trainer Brett Hoebel designed this printable exercise routine to make toning up for the big day easy. Choose a few of them to target a trouble spot, or incorporate them all into a full-body workout. If you opt for the latter, work out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Pencil in at least 30 minutes of cardio on Saturdays, and rest on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.

3. Snack Wisely
Put down the bag of Skittles and forget the way to the vending machine if you want to start seeing your exercise efforts really pay off. Prepare (or pack!) one of these 20 healthy and easy snack options from registered dietician Marissa Lippert before you hit the road for fittings, tastings, and planning meetings.

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4. Exercise Like an Expert
We've heard tons of great get-fit advice from the pros over the years, but this inisight from personal trainer Brett Hoebel has stood the test of time: "The biggest pitfalls are starting too late, working out alone, and doing too much too soon. Begin at least three months ahead of your wedding, hit the gym with a friend, and take it slow in the beginning. Otherwise, you'll burn out."
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5. Speed the Process
You never want to start looking at your wedding date as a fitness deadline, but we understand that there's a bit of a built-in time restraint when it comes to getting in shape for the aisle. Here are a few smart tricks to try that'll help you start seeing results faster.

6. Stay Motivated
So you've nailed down your exercise routine, recruited a friend to join you at the gym, and continue to alot extra time in the A.M. to pack healthy snacks? Great! Now all you have to do is keep it up -- a sometimes far easier-said-than-done task. Here are the best ways to stay motivated.

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