7 Healthy Reasons to Have Sex — Tonight!

Source: 7 Healthy Reasons to Have Sex - Tonight!

Skipping the gym for a romp in between the sheets isn't something you should do every day, but it's still a healthy distraction - it does burn calories after all! With Valentine's Day just around the corner, check out what other health benefits come from having sex.

  • Improve Sleep : The hormone oxytocin increases when you have sex, and the heightened level helps you sleep better. Getting enough sleep is an important part of your overall health, so if you're having trouble sleeping, sex is the perfect activity before hitting the hay.

  • Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease: Research has shown that men who have sex two or more times a week cut their risk of developing heart disease (and stroke) in half.

  • Relieve Stress: Do yourself a favor and get busy to reduce your blood pressure. The feel-good endorphins released during sex will help you forget about your bad day too.

  • Boost Immunity: People who have sex once or twice a week have 30 percent higher levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A, which boosts the immune system and helps fight infections like colds and the flu. Getting down and dirty is just another way to help keep your lover healthy.

  • Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles: Who says you need to be wearing a sports bra to work your core? Exercises that strengthen your pelvic floor can be done sitting at your desk and even during sex. Whether you know it or not, you're performing Kegels while having sex, which also helps to increase pleasure. Bonus: a toned pelvic floor improves your bladder control.

  • Relieve Congestion: Sex for seasonal allergies? Sure beats Benadryl. Having an orgasm temporarily clears up sinuses.

  • Live Longer: Women who enjoy sex live longer than women who don't - an active sex life has been shown to make women feel two to eight years younger. A much better alternative to wrinkle creams!

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