7 Reasons to Try the 'Do-Gooder Diet'

By Jenny Everett, SELF magazine

Whether it's walking our dog, going for a run or biking to work, we love exercising outdoors. So in order for us to stay in shape, we need the environment to be in shape, too!

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In the December issue of SELF (the Heidi Klum cover!), we explain how choosing eco-friendly eats is healthy for you and Mama Earth. Check out our list of 7 reasons why you should adopt a do-gooder diet:

1.For the Earth:Grass-fed beef requires only 5 to 10 percent of the fossil fuel needed to produce other meats.

2. For You: Grass-fed beef contains less fat and more omega-3 fatty acids than meat from grain-fed cows, according to research from California State University.

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3. For the Earth: Processed foods require lots of packaging which, inevitably, ends up in our landfills.

4. For You: Forty-one percent of the calories in the typical American diet come from added sugars, fats and oils. Fresh eats aren't loaded with these things -- and many also lack preservatives, which have been linked to migraines.

5. For the Earth: Conventional produce is shipped about 1,500 miles, whereas locally grown eats in Iowa, for example, travel about 56 miles.

Related: The 2010 Healthy Food Awards

6. For You: By shopping seasonally, you're not only getting food that tastes better, it also may deliver more healthy nutrients.

7. For You: If you shop at a local farm and get to know your local farmers -- and all of the yumminess they produce -- you'll discover new healthy foods you love. Ask them for recommendations and recipes and you'll have a whole new arsenal of favorite meals.

Many farms offer Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs, where you can pay a seasonal fee for a farm share. Once a week, you pick up (or they deliver) a bag of produce from the farm. You don't get to choose -- what's fresh is what you get. Click here to find a CSA near you.

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Photo Credit: Condé Nast Digital Studio