8 Things to Do Before You Start a Weight Loss Program

8 Things to Do Before You Start a Weight Loss Program
8 Things to Do Before You Start a Weight Loss Program

Like most things in life, before you start a weight loss program you need to prepare. I know there are a lot of you out there who probably had "lose weight" as one of your New Year's resolutions, whether you wrote it down or just said it to yourself in your head doesn't matter, it was still something you wanted to do. But more than half of you have either not gotten out of the starting gate yet or did, but didn't make it past the first lap. Don't worry, you aren't alone. Losing weight has been one of my resolutions for years now. I have made some headway but have always fallen off of the horse for one reason or another … or three if you count my children. (Yes, of course I blame them. It's incredibly convenient, if not 100 percent true.)

Honestly, I wasn't even going to try again this year I was so burnt out, but then a friend hooked me up with a national weight loss program to try for free. How could I say no right? Well, I didn't. I started without much fanfare. I lost a few pounds during the week, nothing to get too excited about, but then I gained something even more valuable. As I looked at my journal and looked deeper into my own soul, I realized that the true problem with my weight loss journey isn't the program, it's me. I have simply not been fully prepared or, frankly, committed to the task during all of my previous tries. Why? I think that I became increasingly convinced that failure was a foregone conclusion which made me stop before I ever really got started. I didn't give myself the chance to succeed. I'm changing my circumstance now. I am preparing for success by fully preparing for the journey.

So, before you invest any time or money, or heartstrings, in another weight loss journey, I hope you will read through this list of eight things you need to do before you start a weight loss program. Maybe it will be the flip of the light switch that you need to illuminate a successful path towards better health. I sure hope it is for me.

1. Read The Guidelines

Read through the program guidelines. If you are paying for the service, you don't want to waste any of your bought time getting acquainted with the rules and guidelines, so make sure you read through as much as you can before your membership clock starts ticking.

2. Buy a Scale

Make sure you have a properly calibrated scale available to use during your membership. You are going to need to track your weight during this process to see whether or not the plan is working for you.

3. Take Your Measurements

Have someone take your measurements. The number on the scale is one indicator of weight change, but you could be shedding more of yourself than your scale reflects if you are losing fat and building muscle. Taking measurements can tell you the full story of how your body is responding to your plan.

4. Get Your Groceries

Do some grocery shopping. Stock up on fruits and vegetables yes, but you really want to have on-hand quick go-to meals and snacks to satisfy you, in the beginning especially. You don't want to blow your whole agenda just because you got stuck with nothing in the house but cookie dough and peanut butter. Be prepared.

5. Start a Journal

The more you understand about your habits the more you can adjust them to increase your progress. Whether your weight loss program has a built-in tracking tool or not, you need to make note of what you are eating and doing.

6. Strap On Your Pedometer

Fire up your pedometer. Not only should you track your eating, you should track your steps. Activity is activity, it doesn't have to just be done at a gym.

Related: 10 surprising health benefits of taking a walk

7. Get Your Sleep

Don't forget about sleep. As I always say in my AWESOME health concerts, the third puzzle piece for good health is sleep. We take it for granted in this fast paced world we live in. But a lack of sleep will not only burn through your energy reserves, it will burn through the good money you invested in your weight loss program. Neither of which can we really afford to waste.

8. Prepare Your Workouts

Plan for workouts. Eating is only part of the weight loss equation. To make real strides you need to exercise. Before you press the start button of your plan, figure out what your exercise options are and make sure you have the time and equipment to do them.

-By: Miss Lori

For 3 more things to do before you start a weight loss program, visit Babble!

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