9 Surprising Ways Your Refrigerator Can Help You Lose Weight

By Sarah Burns

Scale stuck? Shifting the food around in your fridge can actually retrain your brain to lose weight: It may help you crave healthy food, instead of diet-sabotaging fare, explains Brian Wansink, PhD, author of Slim by Design: Mindless Eating Solutions For Everyday Life. But that's not the only way your refrigerator can keep you slim. Here, fresh solutions to make slimming down almost effortless. Photo by Getty Images.

Top Shelf: Store Healthy Drinks Here

"You're three times more likely to take the first item you see out of the fridge than you are anything else," explains Dr. Wansink. His suggestion: Stock your top tier with low-cal beverages, like skim milk, 100% fruit and veggie juices (no sugar added) and a water pitcher. You can also stash water bottles here to grab for easy on-the-go hydration. "Staying well-hydrated naturally curbs appetite," explains Susan Albers, PsyD, clinical psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic and author of the book, Eat Q: Unlock the Weight-Loss Power of Emotional Intelligence. "Also, opting for low-cal drinks shaves calories from your diet," she adds. Use these slimming sips to cut out just one can of soda (diet included!) a day, and you could speed up your slimdown, say researchers at The University of Texas.

Top Shelf: Add Measuring Tools
Surprise! Food and drinks aren't the only items to store in your fridge if you want to lose or maintain your weight. Keeping a measuring cup and spoons in this prime real estate encourages you to measure things out before you chow down-and that controls your portion sizes. Indeed, Dr. Wansink's soon-to-be-published study confirms that chopping and bagging food before eating decreases consumption by 71%. Bonus: Storing tools in this area means there's less space for waist-widening junk.

Related: Find out the 6 best foods for sensitive stomachs.

Second Shelf: Pile It with Produce
Pass up the clear crisper drawers-the second shelf is the ideal spot for storing fresh fruits and veggies. "Place a bowl of them in this area so they're the first things you see when you open the fridge door," suggests Dr. Wansink. "Studies show keeping them in view and within reach can help a person eat at least one cup more daily." If you have the budget to buy precut, prewashed produce, do it. Extra convenience makes you more likely to eat these healthy foods, says Dr. Albers. Plus, adding more to your daily diet may help you lose up to 20 pounds this year, say Penn State researchers.

Third Shelf: Pack It with Protein
Arrange waist-whittling hard-boiled eggs, precooked, skinless lean meats and reduced-fat dairy such as yogurt and cheese in this space. Why? "It's important you make the most of the first few shelves," says Dr. Wansink, and women who add at least two ounces of protein to every meal eat 31% fewer calories daily, say Yale University researchers. Protein stimulates the intestines to release cholecystokinin, a hormone that shuts down hunger pangs.

Crisper Drawers: Stash Diet Saboteurs Here
Located lower than the shelves and a pain to crack open, these bins, originally intended as places to plop and pluck produce, are actually better for holding calorie- and fat-filled foods like desserts, say experts. Despite the potential for humidity control, produce can stay fresh outside of these drawers-and your sweets aren't going to taste worse if you store 'em here. But tucking diet-busting temptations away can cut snacking by half-since studies show out of sight can literally mean out of mind when it comes to munching, says Dr. Wansink.

Related: See 15 fiber-packed foods.

Inside Door: Fill It with Flavorings
Arrange an arsenal of diet-friendly hot sauces, spicy mustards, salsas, marinades and tangy dressings here, suggests Dr. Wansink. Flavoring meals with low- or no-cal condiments can make folks feel full on 200 fewer calories daily-and can help them shed up to 18 pounds per year, according to research from Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. The reason: "Flavorful foods make a stronger physical impression, which leads to feeling more satisfied," explains Dr. Wansink.

Freezer: Cram It with Healthy Conveniences
Dodge weekday diet traps-and make dinner prep a breeze-by filling your freezer with individually wrapped fish fillets and bags of frozen veggies. "Keeping the right ingredients in your freezer is also key since having healthier options in the fridge makes it harder to stray," explains Michelle May, MD, author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat and creator of AmIHungry.com. And don't forget about figure-friendly treats, like fruit bars and chilled berries for smoothies, which can satisfy your sweet tooth without widening your waistline.

Related: Discover the best peanut butter brands.

Outside Fridge Door: Create a Pause Point

"The outside of the fridge is just as important as what's within," explains Dr. Albers. "We often open the door without thinking what we want or need inside, so I suggest making and sticking a yield sign on the front of your fridge." Another idea: a sign that asks if you're hungry "or even features a thought-provoking mantra or inspirational quote," says Dr. May. Pausing takes "just a second or two, but it's long enough for you to decide if you truly need to eat then."

Your Whole Unit: Keep Things Tidy
"A disorganized fridge is not a dieter's friend," says Dr. Albers. In fact, a study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology found a cluttered appliance could diminish a person's willpower. "Too many items can overshadow and even hide healthy options," Dr. Albers explains, "so try to re-organize your fridge each week, making sure the smartest choices are front and center."

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