A Simple Cure for Migraines

Is there a cure for migraines? Yes! Check your diet. The food you eat could be the cause of those excruciating, long-lasting attacks.

Until recently doctors generally believed that migraines were triggered by stress and tension. Medication seemed to be the only source of relief. The drugs, however, proved ineffective in many cases and often produced discomforting side effects.

Now researchers report that food allergies may well be the reason for many migraines. In one study, the removal of certain foods from the patients' diets reduced or eliminated migraines in 70 percent of the sufferers within two weeks. The treatment was found to be effective even in chronic cases, including patients who had not been free of headaches for years.

Sufferers - there are 30 million in the United States alone-were usually found to be allergic to several food groups. Cereals, milk, rice, eggs, fish, chocolate, tomatoes, oranges and cheese headed the list of the most frequent offenders.

In light of the findings your doctor may want to put you on an "elimination diet." You'll drop the suspect foods one by one until the cause in your particular case is pinpointed. It may take some time, but the result will most certainly justify the effort.


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