A Spice That Makes You Smarter?

By Sarah Jio, Glamour magazine

Want a little brain boost this morning? As it turns out, one yummy savory herb--that tastes amazing in scrambled eggs--may help you be at the top of your game at the office today. Take a guess...

Shape reports that a study published in Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior found that the yummy, savory herb sage may play a role in boosting brain function.

The researchers found that people who took sage-oil extract (50 micro liters) before taking a test performed better than the subjects who were given a placebo. While sage extract is more concentrated than what you'll find in your spice jar, it wouldn't hurt to reap some of these brain-boosting effects.

What's the magic about sage? The herb, which is awesome on eggs, contains compounds that prevent the breakdown of "acetylcholine," a neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory, reports Shape.

Sage advice!

Do you do a lot of cooking with sage? (I have a huge, wild bush growing in my herb garden. I think I'll go clip some to add to breakfast this morning!)

P.S. Going out to eat tonight? A stay-svelte reminder. Plus, newsflash: You are not eating enough fruits and veggies! Why 5-a-day is not enough, say experts.

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