Allergic to Autumn? Get Ready for a Brutally Long Allergy Season

Written by Four Green

fall 2011 worst allergy season ever
fall 2011 worst allergy season ever

Due to a particularly wet summer we can expect an extensive allergy season this fall- allergy experts are predicting one of the longest allergy seasons yet.

From ABC News:

"We're going to have an allergy double whammy," says Dr. Clifford Bassett, Medical director of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York.

To top it all off, the allergy season is expected to last a few weeks longer than usual this year, according to research published earlier this year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

While spring allergies usually come from pollen from trees and grass, fall allergies are caused almost exclusively by ragweed pollen. The season usually runs from mid-August until the first frost of the year, around early October, but if the frost is delayed, as is predicted for this year, the allergy season goes on indefinitely until it comes.MORE