
"...completely amazed..."

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IMG_0021 by you.

"They were all completely amazed and praised God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this!"(Mark 2:12)

I was in a cemetery early this morning taking a photo of a statue. I was struck by the lonely figure's beauty in the swirling snow. Then, just as I started to open my car door and escape the cold, I noticed one snowflake that had stuck to the housing of my side view mirror. I was no longer merely "struck," by something beautiful, I was amazed! It was almost as if God was playing with me a little and saying, "You want to see beauty and wonder? I'll show you beauty and wonder! Here, check out this itsy-bitsy precisely perfect snowflake."

Sometimes I think the world is divided into two kinds of people -- those who can be amazed and those who cannot. I'm definitely one of the former. I see and experience so many amazing things that God has prepared for me. These gifts from God send me into a state of awe and wonder -- amazement. Sometimes it's the glory of something as simple as a snowflake. Sometimes it's the awareness of once fractured relationships that are now healed. It's an interesting experience, one that reminds me that at heart I am a child -- a child of God, enjoying each amazing experience and eagerly anticipating the next one. To be amazed is to be invited momentarily into the majesty of God's love. I forget about the "how?" and simply let go to bask in the "wow!"

How sad it must be to live without amazement. I can't even imagine, but I can invite. I can invite those I meet in that awful state to open their lives to God's amazing love. I pray that God will help me always to be open in child-like amazement to the workings of divine love. How about you?

Blessings and Peace,
Pastor, Sand Hill United Methodist Church
Boaz, WV

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