An Interactive Way to Get Fit While Watching the Football Game

Credit: Jayel Aheram
Credit: Jayel Aheram

By Jennipher Walters,

Usually, each Sunday my husband camps out in front of the TV, keeping me from my dear DVR and Oprah re-runs, and watches about 10 hours of football. Yes, I calculated it, and it's actually at least 10 hours in a single sitting. Far too much in my opinion. So naturally, as a wife fulfilling a terrible stereotype, I have begun to nag him. Here's a sampling:

6 p.m.: "Don't you think you've watched enough football for one day?" 7 p.m.: "So, um, are you alive, or are you just some football zombie?"8 p.m.: "If I hear one more 'He could go all the way!' I'm going to scream. Turn the M-effer off!!!"
See? It escalates. If you have a male loved one, I'm sure you can understand. Somehow though, my husband has found a way of deflecting all of the above comments, and it's not by tuning me out. He's started exercising during the games.
Now how am I gonna hate on that?! He's a smart one…
During each game, he'll pick a team to root for (usually the one on his fantasy football team), and each time they score, he'll do the number of push-ups equal to his team's total score. So the first time they make a touchdown, he does seven push-ups. The next time they score he does 14, and so on and so forth. It's actually kind of brilliant, and I wish I'd thought of it.

I mean, it turns recreational passive viewing into active participation. And after joining in this push-up game with him last Sunday, believe me, you start to really get annoyed when your team is winning 52-14. It adds a whole new dimension to the game.

Now, of course, I had to add my own spin to the game. In addition to the push-ups, I'll do lunges when the other team scores, jumping jacks during commercials and then at half time, I bring out the dumbbells and do exercises for the biceps, triceps, shoulders and back, along with bicycle crunches for the core.

It's one hell of a workout. I've turned lazy Sunday time into interactive Sunday time, and I've stopped nagging as much. At least for the one game.

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