Anger, does anyone ever deal with this? And what can I do about it?

I am not really sure where to start with this but I will just say that I feel like I have an anger issue/problem. I can act so crazy sometimes about things that are so stupid and simple and things that would normally not make other people mad or crazy, it gets to me. I can't really give examples but I can say this, I know that I can be a Witch sometimes and I don't like being that way. Life is wayyyyy to short for me to be feeling this way the majority of the time and I was wondering if there is anybody else out there who deals with anger who can give me some ideas of things that REALLY WORK! I don't want things you heard works, or you think might work, I need to know things that DO work.... Can someone please help me? I really don't like being like this, I have always been a fairly cool and sweet person and people use to tell me this all the time but seems like in the past few years as I get older, the worse I get.

I will say this, because some info might help.... I am 35. I have 3 children 16, 15, and 11. Was married for 16 years, not any longer. I thought once I was out of my "unhappy" marriage situation that I would be better but it hasn't really changed. I mean don't get me wrong, getting divorced was one of the best things that could have happened but I just don't really feel any different as far as my moods. I have been dating someone for a year now and he is the love of my life. But what I hate about this is, my moods cause friction sometimes and I know its all my fault. He says he loves me and I always apologize but I don't want to end up running him off because of it.....