Are You a Salt-aholic? Experts Say 9 Out of 10 Americans Use Too Much Salt

I will admit, when it comes to some drinks and dishes, I'm a bit heavy-handed with the salt shaker. Maybe I'm one of the millions of Americans who gets way more sodium than I should. Are you?

According to new government reports, shockingly, nine out of 10 Americans consume too much salt, and most are getting more than twice the recommended amount (2,300 mg).

It's estimated that as much as 77 percent of dietary sodium comes from processed foods and restaurant foods, so if you eat out a lot, consider yourself adequately salted.

"Sodium has become so pervasive in our food supply that it's difficult for the vast majority of Americans to stay within recommended limits," said Janelle Peralez Gunn, public health analyst with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who led the study of salt consumption.

And, we now know that too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, strokes and kidney failure. Yikes peeps, go easy on the salt shaker when you can. All this news is making me thirsty, you?

Where do you stand on salt and health? Do you love the stuff, or not? Do you worry that you consume too much?


Photo Credit: Condé Nast Digital Studio