Best Indoor Group Workouts

Have you tried the latest popular group workouts?
Have you tried the latest popular group workouts?

Winter--when it's cold, dark, and generally unpleasant outside--is a perfect time to try a new class. "Group classes are a great way to try something new and address areas that you know are weaknesses for you, like flexibility or upper-body strength," says Jessica Cover, a running coach and personal trainer in Burlington, Vermont.

She recommends these five classes--offered by many health clubs, community centers, and yoga and martial arts studios--to improve in the areas of balance, strength, and mental focus. "Plus, they're fun," she says.

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BODYPUMP BY LES MILLS This workout includes high-repetition movements using squats, bench presses, bicep curls, and other classic weightroom exercises with low weight loads, all set to energizing music (everything from Bon Jovi to Cascada). You load up your barbell with as much, or as little, weight as you'd like and perform 70 to 100 repetitions each for legs, chest, back, shoulders, and abs. Most exercisers burn up to 600 calories per 60-minute class.

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BOSU Named for the stability trainers that resemble a Swiss ball sliced in half, Bosu classes put students through a series of balance, coordination, and agility exercises using either the flat platform or the squishy dome. The fast-paced classes include familiar exercises--bicep curls, back extensions, lunges, and bird-dogs (an ab-strengthening move)--performed on the Bosu, which challenges you to engage your core muscles to keep you centered and upright.

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The centuries-old practice of "moving meditation" is going mainstream among athletes of all ages. That's because the slow, flowing movements (there are 108) are said to harness energy--chi--while fostering mind-body awareness, flexibility, and balance. Most beginner classes start with gentle, yoga-like poses and progress to more challenging positions.

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One of kickboxing's biggest draws is as a stress reliever, but it's also a way to improve coordination, sharpen reflexes, and increase muscle endurance. You can expect to burn between 350 and 450 calories per hour. At every class, instructors focus on basic arm snaps and jabs before adding in the kicks. Every few rounds, you'll break away and jump rope for a minute or so.

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Unlike traditional weights, which you lift and lower slowly while isolating one body part at a time, kettlebells are swung rhythmically using full-body motions. To swing the bells in different patterns--including overhead, cross-body, or floor to shoulder--your small and large muscle groups must work in concert to control the momentum as you change directions.

Now tell us: What's your favorite exercise class and why?

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