Can 20 Minutes of Exercise Make You Sexier, Smarter, Happier?

I love the slimming, toning, look-good-in-your-jeans benefits of working out (and the instant mood boost) as much as the next girl, but looking and feeling good aren't the only reasons to hit the gym. In fact, there are some pretty cool - and pretty unexpected - upsides to regular exercise. Studies show the right motivation can make you 70% more likely to fit in a workout, so remember these the next time you need some incentive to get off the couch and on the treadmill:

You'll feel sexier (at any size):

A good workout practically ensures a better body image and sex life. A Pennsylvania State University study found that older women felt more attractive after 4 months of walking or yoga even if they didn't lose weight. Exercise can also put you in the mood for love at any age by increasing blood flow down below. In fact, one study found that just a single 20-minute cycling workout enhanced sexual arousal a whopping 169%.

Feel sexy with a flatter belly.

You'll be happier at work:

On days staffers in a United Kingdom study participated in on-site fitness activities, they reported thinking more clearly, getting more done, and interacting more effectively with coworkers. Getting your heart pumping increases blood flow, delivering more oxygen to your noggin. It also spurs new growth in the areas of the brain that control multitasking, planning, and memory.

Pack a mouthwatering lunch with these Flat Belly Diet Cookbook recipes.

You'll improve your language skills:

A single treadmill session can make you brainier in other ways as well. Exercisers who ran just two 3-minute sprints, with a 2-minute break in between, learned new words 20% faster than those who rested, reports a recent Germany study. Getting your heart pumping increases blood flow, delivering more oxygen to your noggin. It also spurs new growth in the areas of the brain that control multitasking, planning, and memory.

Try this treadmill workout to make your smarter and blast fat.

You can slash cold risk up to 22%:

It's cold enough outside - you certainly don't need to catch one. Moderate exercise is a great way to boost your immune system and help your body fight off cold bugs and other germs. In one study, women who did 45 minutes of cardio, 5 days a week, had a third as many colds as those who did once-weekly stretching sessions.

Have fun exercising your way to an amazing body with the Dance It Off DVD.

More ways to feel amazing:

Shrink Your Belly in 14 Days
Try These Simple Weight Loss Tricks
Shrink Your Belly with These Foods

Want more from Liz? Check out Flat Belly Diet to slim your tummy.

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