Controversial Celebrity Health Advice

By Olivia Putnal

Nowadays, it seems like everyone wants to emulate their favorite Hollywood stars, but unfortunately some of those red-carpet idols don't always set the best examples. Doctors around the world often worry that people will take a celeb's ill-advised diet or beauty advice to the extreme. From Jenny McCarthy's anti-vaccination stance to Demi Moore's leech therapy, have a look at seven celebrities that preach what may not be safe to practice.

Suzanne Somers' Claim:
The actress known for her role in Three's Company has written a few highly controversial books, including Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones, in which she encourages her readers to opt for natural hormones instead of synthetic ones commonly used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Expert Opinion:
Almost immediately after the release of her book, a group of doctors quoted, including Erika Schwartz, MD, protested to Somers' publisher, claiming they were misquoted and that her advice can be very dangerous. Sharon Diamond, MD, an ob-gyn who practices in New York City, urges all to be cautious when taking any type of additional hormone-natural or synthetic. Dr. Diamond says, "The idea that bioidenticals are 'natural' because they are what the body makes is really a fallacy because exposing a woman's body to hormones after she has stopped making them is a pharmacologic intervention no matter how you slice it and needs to be monitored appropriately." Photo by WireImage.

Jenny McCarthy's Claim:
After her son Evan was diagnosed with autism, the model, actress, author and activist started promoting a non-vaccination theory based on her belief that the number of childhood vaccines as well as the ingredients in them should be reduced to reverse the rate of autism.

Expert Opinion:
One of the most respected pediatricians in the country and Chief of Infectious Diseases at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Paul Offit, MD, wrote about the dangers of this anti-vaccine trend in his book Autism's False Prophets. In addition, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states, "The Institute of Medicine and the AAP have organized several panels of independent scientists-all concluded no association between MMR (measles-mumps-rubella vaccine) and autism." Photo by WireImage.

Tom Cruise's Claim:
This well-known Scientologist has made headlines for supporting the Church of Scientology's views on psychiatry and antidepressive drugs, claiming that "psychiatry is a pseudoscience" and "there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in a body."

Expert Opinion:
After Cruise criticized Brooke Shields for taking antidepressants to deal with her postpartum depression, there was major backlash and his appearance on the Today show only fueled the flames. However, the medical director and CEO of the American Psychiatric Association, James H. Scully, MD, fully supports the use of drugs to treat anxiety and depression-insisting they really work for individuals who need them. Or, as Mark Dombeck, PhD, a contributor for succinctly put it, "Literally millions of people have been prescribed such drugs, and many have had the experience of benefiting from them… How can it be possible that Mr. Cruise could know something that the rest of us don't know?" Photo by FilmMagic.

Demi Moore's Claim:
While in Austria, the age-defying actress partook in a beauty treatment that involved what she referred to as "highly trained medical leeches" that were used to detoxify her blood.

Expert Opinion:
Leech therapy has been proven to assist with the reattachment of body parts, but as a beauty regimen, doctors aren't so sure. Leeches are actually parasites that carry some forms of bacteria, which can cause infections when they puncture human skin. Photo by Retna.

Beyoncé Knowles' Claim:
To prepare for her role as Deena Jones in Dreamgirls, the singer dropped pounds thanks to The Master Cleanse, which calls for dieters to drink a concoction containing fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water 6 to 12 times a day in addition to herbal laxative teas.

Expert Opinion:
These types of diets are not recommended because they have been proven to cause cravings, aches, pains, mental irritability and fatigue. According to, "Beyoncé was essentially starving her body of energy and essential nutrients." In addition to the starvation factor, the site also claims that diets like these can put a strain on the organs, break down muscle protein, cause problems with blood sugar and slow metabolism. Photo courtesy of DreamWorks Pictures.

Gwyneth Paltrow's Claim:
Though the actress has received much criticism for the health advice touted in the newsletters her site sends out, her support for the Eastern practice of cupping has caused the most outrage. In 2004 when she stepped out at a New York movie premiere, her entire back was bruised from the procedure. During the cupping process, warm glass cups are placed over the skin to help reduce stress, aches and pains.

Expert Opinion:
This acupuncture-type therapy can cause swelling and bruising; people who bleed easily, have inflamed skin or high fevers shouldn't try it. Sen Huang, CMD, PhD, a certified and licensed acupuncturist in Washington, DC, refers to the information at when talking with his patients about cupping. He agrees with the fact that "cupping has never been shown to be effective in a clinical trial," and the risks involved-"It can leave temporary unsightly marks on the skin and there is also a small risk of burns." Photo by Retna.

Megan Fox's Claim:
Many wonder how this well-known star gets her glamorous bod, and she suggests it's thanks to shots of vinegar. Fox has never been much of a gym rat and says doing vinegar shots "cleanses out your system entirely" and gets rid of water weight associated with menstruation.

Expert Opinion:
Doctors all over had issues with Fox's approach to weight loss. According to, Lucy Jones, an expert dietician, says "The body, including the liver, is a well-oiled detoxing machine, which will not be improved by vinegar." Dietician and author of Diet Simple Katherine Tallmadge explained to that these types of detox diets are "all silliness and potentially dangerous," completely dismissing Fox's opinion for losing excess water weight. Photo by Retna.

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