How to Work Out in a Crowded Gym

Follow these tips to beat the New Year's fitness crunch
Follow these tips to beat the New Year's fitness crunch

You know the drill this time of year: If you want a bike in Spinning class you practically need to sleep out on the sidewalk like an Apple obsessive on the eve of a new iPhone launch. For committed fitness aficionados, the month of January means navigating throngs of recently resolved newbies at the gym. But for those embarking on a new workout regimen, the crowds can be more than annoying: For some, it's enough to derail their whole plan to get in shape. Whatever your situation, you are likely to confront a lot of new faces at the gym, hogging the treadmills and crowding the classes. Here are some tips from the experts to help you get your sweat on regardless of the masses.

8 New Year's Resolutions You'll Stick With

Pre-work Workout

"Get up early and exercise before work," says Jenna Bergen, fitness editor for Prevention magazine. Yes, it's tough to wake up earlier than necessary, but you'll be rewarded with a quiet gym floor and your pick of the machines. Why? Peak hours for fitness centers are between 4 and 8 p.m. You'll also be more likely to stick to your routine for the long haul if you do it first thing, says Bergen.

8 Post-Workout Breakfasts

Jump Off Your Jiggle

Weight training requires you to rest the muscles you're working between sets. But that doesn't mean you should waste that time spacing out, according to Tim Rich, personal training manager for Crunch. He suggests you turn your strength workout into interval training by jumping rope for a minute or two between sets. "Jumping rope adds cardio and increases intensity," says Rich. You'll save time by making your workout more efficient, and you'll avoid the most overcrowded part of the gym-the cardio floor.

Calorie-Burning Cardio Intervals

Make Friends with the B-List

You'd like to be gliding away on the elliptical or trotting on the treadmill, but so would everyone else. Think outside the box about your cardio. "The rowing machine and the recumbent bike both can provide good workouts," says Rich. In fact, pushing yourself by using these different muscles can challenge your body and rev your metabolism. Not sure what to do? Ask a trainer, says Rich. Most gyms have plenty of staff working the floor this time of year, and that is, after all, what they are there for.

8 Fun Workouts You're Not Doing But Should

Train for the Gold

Committing to a race a few months down the line is one of the most tried and true ways to stay motivated. Pick a 5K in March or April and register right now, says Bergen. Not only will this inspire you to stick with the program, but you'll also want to practice running outside (and away from the gym).

Drop a Size in 4 Weeks

Sign Up to Slim Down

Many gyms use sign-up sheets for the most popular classes-such as Pilates, yoga, Spinning, and Zumba-to prevent overcrowding, says Bergen. To avoid getting squeezed out of the class you want, call the front desk and find out the policy for reserving your spot in advance. Specifically ask when sign-up starts, and set an alarm on your phone so you don't miss out. Then you know for sure you'll be set. If your gym is crowded and you were thinking of trying a new kind of workout-like a smaller group training class, this may be the time of year to sign up and do it.

Get More Fitness Tips to Help You Stay Motivated

Skip the Gym and Walk Your Errands

Sometimes, especially on the weekend, you may not want to face the gym at all. And you don't have to. Do your regular errands on foot, suggests Bergen. Walking to the store, the dry cleaners, and your friend's place really does count as exercise, especially if you are carrying something and keeping your pace brisk. "It's a freebie pass from the gym," says Bergen.

Stroll Off Five Times More Belly Fat

TELL US: When's the best time for you to hit the gym?

--By Joy Manning, Prevention

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