Defend Yourself Against Diet Saboteurs!

By Rebecca Pratt, for SparkPeople

There's one in every crowd- at the office, in your church group, among your closest friends and family. Sometimes they mean well, sometimes they seem a tad malicious, often they have no idea how they're sabotaging you. But every time you take a step forward to gain dominion over food, they're at your elbow-- offering you a brownie, some chips, an extra heaping helping of pasta.

SparkPeople member Amy S. has been there with boyfriends, co-workers, and friends. "Either they bring in high cal food and offer it around, or they actually tell me it doesn't matter if I eat high cal stuff, and try to persuade me to do it," she says.

What's going on? Why does it seem that people close to you go out of their way to sabotage you?

Experts sum it up in one word-Change. Getting fit through diet and exercise creates big changes in your life-changes you welcome. But if your friends and family aren't in the same mode of change, they can be oblivious, jealous, and uncomfortable with your changes. Perhaps:

  1. They feel guilty. You're losing weight and getting in shape. They're not. Tempting you to "fall off the fitness wagon" means you're "normal" again, and they can feel good about the status quo.

  2. They don't understand. They've never had a weight problem and just don't realize how hard you've worked to get where you are. They think it's "silly" for you to worry about what you eat.

  3. They miss the old you. That is, the cookies you brought to work, the after-work "happy hours" spent in the company of high-fat potato skins, the luscious desserts you used to indulge in. Maybe you're spending more time in the gym and have less free time for them. Maybe they're afraid to lose you.

Don't overreact, but don't give up either!

Try these strategies to vanquish your perennial food foes.

Related links:

How to Get the Support You Need to Succeed

Get Others Involved in Your Goals

How to Tell Others about Your Weight-Loss Goals

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