Do Photos of Fit Women Inspire You to Shape Up? (Read This Wacky Brooke Shields Story)

Imagery is a pretty motivating get-fit tool--whether we're talking about images of yourself at the peak of fitness (for me, that was exactly 2 years before I had kids ... oh the days!) or pics of a celeb who you think is pretty great (hi Reese!). Some people post these images on their bulletin boards or hang them on their fridges as reminders to stay focused. I don't think that's an entirely bad idea, but I do think this story about Brooke Shields is pretty eerie ...

In Andre Agassi's memoir, Open, which was recently published, he airs lots of dirty laundry--like the fact that he hates tennis (what?), had a drill sergeant for a father, and wore a frosted hairpiece to go with his classic early 90s mullet. (Shudder.) But, there's more revelations about his ex-wife Brooke Shields (remember--they were married!):

The Wall Street Journal pointed out this bizarro chain of events: "In preparation for her wedding to Agassi, [Brooke] Shields embarks on an exercise regimen and hangs an inspiration photo on the refrigerator door. The photo is of the woman who Shields thinks has perfect legs. The woman is Agassi's future second wife, Steffi Graf."


Do you use photos as fitness inspiration? If so, who is your inspiration? A celeb? A friend? Yourself?

P.S. Read about Brooke Shields' controversial statements about sex and body image...

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