Do you try to trick the scale?

By Shira Scott,

Like most women, I'll do just about anything to shave even a tenth of a pound off the scale. In fact, I went out and bought a digital version just so I could see those tenths melt away! For some reason, losing a tenth is huge....gaining a tenth not so disappointing.

I also like to shower before I weigh myself. Not sure how much dirt weighs, but why take a chance.

In a recent survey by a British-based diet website, about 3,000 women were asked how they try to cheat the scale.

50% Weigh themselves naked

40% Go to the bathroom first

10% Hold their breath (remember to exhale first)

3% Stand on one leg

3% Wait for a full moon (thinking that's when they'll be their lightest)

Related: 5 Ways to Beat Stubborn Belly Fat

In a survey of my friends, I found that most have tried the top three. One believes in the one-legged approach (really?) and no one has ever counted on a full moon. They also had some suggestions of their own.

  • Shave your legs first.

  • Weigh yourself after a haircut.

  • Remember to take off everything, including your glasses (blurred vision on the scale is an asset!).

  • Remove all jewelry.

  • Never weigh yourself with wet hair.

What tricks do you try? Do any actually work?

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