Don't Throw Away Those Roses After Valentine's Day, Give Yourself a DIY Facial Instead

by Alexandra Samuel

Bill Diodato
Bill Diodato

Happy Valentines Day!! Whether you feel like celebrating or not, there are roses everywhere. And, while the stems aren't my all-time favorite flower, I secretly cross my fingers that I'll get a few because they are so ridiculously good for your skin. (Confession: If I don't get a dozen, I totally buy them during the post-Valentines sales.)

Roses are not only super soothing and super nourishing, but they've got built-in-toners to get you glowing. I mean, throwing them out when they start to wilt is like tossing out a gift certificate for a facial. Here's my secret to making the most of your bouquet:

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Drop a bouquet of rose petals into a big bowl, top with almost-boiling water, lean over the bowl and (carefully!) tent your head with a towel for as long as you can stand it, but no more than ten minutes or so.

Then, if I'm feeling extra decadent (because #TreatYoSelf, right?), I take those the water-soaked buds and make a mask.

Drain about two flowers' worth of petals and crush them in a bowl. You can use a mortar and pestle if you have one, but I just use a bowl and a the bottom of jar of spices. (PS: You can also save the liquid and use it as a rosewater spray for a quick refresh.)

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Once your petals are good and smashed, you have some options. If you tend to have drier skin, add a teaspoon of your favorite face oil and a teaspoon of honey for major moisture. On the oilier side? Mix in two teaspoons of full-fat Greek yogurt and a teaspoon of honey -- the the yogurt's lactic acid will exfoliate while the honey hydrates.

Stir everything together really well and use a brush to paint the mask over your skin and neck. Once you're covered, sit still, since this mask can drip quite a bit. After about ten minutes, use a warm washcloth to wipe away the face-bouquet and voila -- your mug is suddenly brighter, smoother and soothed. That's amore, right?

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