Dried Fruit: If Possible, Avoid Sulfur Dioxide

Dried fruits make for a great snack, but as is the case with almost all foods, there are good and bad options.

On the left in the photo are dried apricots treated with sulfur dioxide to increase shelf life and promote the bright orange color. On the right are organic dried apricots showing their true darker hue.

Even if you don't believe that sulfur dioxide in our dried fruit presents a health issue, doesn't common sense dictate eating food as close to its natural state as possible? Given a choice, purchasing the organic apricots should be our decision.

Some helpful information:

  • To counter the shelf life issue, store unsulfured dried fruit in the freezer.

  • Unsulfured dried fruit is available in most health food stores and many progressive supermarkets.

  • At Fairway, where I buy my dried fruit, the pictured apricots are exactly the same price ($4.99 per pound).

  • Add chopped dried fruit to oatmeal or plain yogurt for sweetness.