Drinking water got just a little bit more palatable

We are all very aware of how bad artificial sweeteners are for us, by now, I hope. It's gotten me to cut down on my Diet Pepsi consumption--and yet, I'm still consuming it at a rate that is heading me down the on ramp, merging on to cancer highway. What are we supposed to drink a whole lot of, instead? Water! Of course.

The problem with water is that--well, it's water. And I have trained my idiot tastebuds to require flavor and artificial sweetness in my thirst-quenchers. I'm working to retrain the little suckers, and I've found water with lemon in it goes a long way toward making me way less meh about the whole endeavor. And evany thomas, wise inventor, has come up with a "why didn't I think of that, damnit," way to make lemoning up your water as easy as opening your freezer: slice up lemons in big batches, wrap them up and stick them in deep freeze for extraction as needed. I know from experience that I tend to only do things if they are easy--could this mean I'll become a water-drinking fool? Well, I'm already halfway there.

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