Easy Ways to Green Your Office

Written by Four Green Steps.com


Autumn is the perfect time of year to re-evaluate your company's environmental efforts and commitment to sustainability. Going green is a great way to enhance your company's ethics, help the environment and even save money. It's also an amazing way to encourage employees to become more considerate of the environment outside of the office. Here are some of the easiest ways to become instantly eco-friendly:

Make the Switch

Using sustainable energy is a great way to save an incredible amount of money (over time). Can't afford to use solar or wind-power? Switching to eco-friendly light bulbs will ensure not having the lights burn out for years. You also might want to consider eco-friendly office equipment made from recycled or sustainable materials. Get creaitve: soy ink, recycled business cards, solar powered desk lamps,used furniture...Despite popular belief eco-friendly purchases often offer great savings.

Encourage Employees to Make Green Choices

Suggest to employees that they car pool, bike or take public transportation to work if possible). These are often healthier choices that will in turn save the employees money and make them happier. Get creative with Green suggestions, encourage them to use a mug and reusable water bottle. If water safety is a concern why not purchase a water filter for the office?

Save Energy

Make sure lights and computers are turned off when the office closes for the evening.Also make sure to choose power-saving settings on all electronics.

Save Paper

Try to reduce the amount of paper used in your office and discourage unnecessary printing. A great way to discourage printing is to add a footer at the bottom of your e-mail asking the recipient to consider the environment and not print if possible.

Add Plants

Plants are a great way to reduce stress as they are scientifically proven to increase happiness. Plants are an inexpensive way to add life and colour to your office as well as a natural way to filter the air.

Use Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies

Forget Pine Sol and Mr. Clean, all you really need is baking soda, vinegar and lemons!

Recycled and Compost

These are simple ways to reduce waste (especially when you consider how little you really have to compost in an office).

Has your business made extraordinary environmental efforts? Send any green efforts via press release to our CERwire!