Eat Your Way To a Flat Stomach


Cut back on low-carb snacks.

Many bars and candies contain glycerin or sugar alcohols, which can cause bloating because your body can't fully digest them, says Leslie Bonci, R.D., at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
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Watch it with condiments.
Condiments can be high in salt, leaving you bloated and puffy. A quarter cup of ketchup gives you a third of a day's sodium allotment; a tablespoon of soy sauce holds nearly half a day's worth.
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Push the potassium.
This natural diuretic can counteract the belly-bulging effects of extra salt. Find it in tomatoes, bananas, salmon, almonds and cherries.
Get Twice the Results (in half the time)

Have more H 2 O.
Drinking water makes you retain less water by carrying bloat-causing elements such as salt out of your body.
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