Embracing your own slice of a dream


We all want to go on a getaway to our dream island, their is no need to search far or travel to another location. Everywhere you can get a glimse of your dream it's all in how you embrace it and see your sorroundings
I have always wanted to go to Fiji,Jamaica,Italy,Greece..you get the picture;) and being a single mother of 4 let's just say that my only "down time" would be when their father takes them on saturdays... yes so i choose to find my slice of heaven here in my city "San Diego" yes i 'm thankful that i live here so my near island is "Coronado beach"
but my point is that you don't have to live in the greatest cities to find your majestic enviroment ..that is in the eye of the beholder...
Everyone has beauty surrounding them..whether a beautiful park,lake,beach,road, name and embrace it!