Fill in the blank: Exercising makes me feel ______.

A few months ago, I ran an 8K. As I wandered through the expo hall, trying desperately to weave my way through thousands of people and hundreds of booths hawking energy goo and supplements and homemade headbands to find the place where I could get my race bib and free t-shirt. I was irritated and just wanted to finish this business so I could concentrate on the real event.

Then I saw the booth for the amazing organization that empowers girls by helping to train them for 5K events, Girls on the Run. They were giving away bumper stickers, colored a startling pink with white writing that simply said, "Running makes me feel _______."

I took one and pinned it to the wall next to my desk. I haven't filled it in because every day that I run, I get something different from it. Some days, working out makes me feel powerful. Other days, goddess-like. Still others, it makes me feel hungry for more, sore, or overheated. I leave it blank because I am waiting to see what the next day will bring.

Today, though, I turn the sentence over to you. Just for this moment, how does working out make you feel? Fill in the blank for us, won't you?

Exercising makes me feel _______.

Call out: Feel free to start your own fill in the blank post anywhere on Shine! We promise to complete your sentence if you complete ours in the comments below!