Follow a Threshold Ritual

2011 Happiness Challenge: For those of you following the 2011 Happiness Project Challenge, to make 2011 a happier year -- and even if you haven't officially signed up for the challenge -- welcome! Last month's theme was the Five Senses, and last week's resolution was to Hug more, kiss more. Did you try that resolution? Did it boost your happiness?

This month's theme is Gratitude, and this week's resolution is to Follow the threshold ritual.

Follow the threshold ritual.

How about you? Have you found ways to remind yourself to be grateful, as you go about your ordinary day? (The most common happiness advice seems to be to keep a gratitude journal, but I have to confess, that didn't work for me.)

If you want to read more about this resolution, check out…
Follow a threshold ritual.
Can you curse during a gratitude meditation?
Why a hurricane filled me with gratitude.

If you're new, here's information on the 2011 Happiness Challenge. It's never too late to start! You're not behind, jump in right now, sign up here. For the Challenge, each week I'll post a video suggesting a resolution for you to consider. For more ideas for resolutions to try, check out the archives of videos here.

* I love reading about cognitive biases (yes, it's true) and get a big kick out of some of the names. Wikipedia has a great list. I've often thought it would be fun to write a little book about various biases...someday.

* Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel. To get the weekly video by email, right in your email in-box, you can:
-- On the GretchenRubin channel page, after you subscribe, click "Edit Subscription" and check the box, "Email me for new uploads." Or...
-- Go to your main drop-down box, click "Subscriptions," find the GretchenRubin channel, click "Edit Subscriptions," and check "Email me for new uploads" there.

To get the audio podcast of the video:
-- Log in to iTunes
-- Go to "Podcasts"
-- Search for "The Happiness Project." Free, of course.