Formula for a Perfect Breakfast

Erin Bried,SELF magazine

People who start their day on empty are 75 percent more likely to be overweight than regular a.m. eaters. Follow our guide to rethink your morning meal, then start with our eight grab-and-go-favorites.

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Despite what your barista says, a jug-sized latte, even with all that milk and sugar, isn't a meal. "For most busy women, breakfast is based on convenience, which can backfire nutritionally," says Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D., author of Read It Before You Eat It. Your brain needs certain nutrients early on for all-day concentration and problem solving.

Anatomy of a Perfect Breakfast

A too-big start can make for a too-big you. Shoot for getting 25 to 30 percent of your daily calories: about 400 if you're trying to lose, 500 if you're maintaining or 625 if you're very active. Here's the ideal breakdown.

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53% carbs:
"During the night, while you sleep, you burn through your stores of blood sugar, which is your body's preferred fuel source," says David Grotto, R.D., author of 101 Optimal Life Foods. "Carbohydrates replete these stores quickly." But simple carbs (muffins, doughnuts, sweetened cereal) are a no-go: They burn fast and trigger crashes and cravings. Instead, opt for complex ones (oatmeal and whole-wheat bread) that are high in hunger-fighting fiber, digest slowly and give you sustained energy. Your goal: 35 grams to 65 g carbs; 6 g fiber

27% fat:
Go for the heart-healthy unsaturated fats found in nut butters or whole nuts, avocado and olive oil. Avoid the saturated fat in butter, bacon and full-fat cheese. Fat digests slowly, preventing those midmorning munchie attacks. Your goal: 7 g to 15 g fat

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20% protein:
"Protein makes you feel full longer by turning on and upping levels of natural hunger-busting hormones, like cholecystokinin, and keeping the hunger-inducing hormone ghrelin in check," Grotto says. You may need to combine multiple sources (e.g., egg whites, nonfat yogurt and skim milk) to get enough. Your goal: 15 g to 25 g protein

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