Fun Fall Salad Tips, MMM MMM Good!

By Melissa Williams
I'm a summer salad kind of gal. When the weather is warm, nothing beats a refreshing salad filled with farm-fresh greens and veggies!

But when the weather cools I, like many of you I am sure, tend to turn toward warmer lunches. It's called seasonal eating.

Fortunately, you don't have to skip salads when the weather cools. You just have to rethink your vision of what a salad is, and remind yourself that lunch is the perfect time of day to up your ante of fresh veggies and fruits, helping you get to the recommended eight+ servings each day.

Count your tally when you get to lunchtime. How many servings have you had thus far? Unfortunately the answer is usually 1 or maybe 2 but that's it.

First tip: Greens are still fresh in the fall, just look toward bitter and darker leafy greens, including arugula, spinach, and kale. A combination of these three gives you a healthy serving of iron, vitamin A and vitamin C.

Pre-wash on Sunday and you're set for at least the first few days of the week. While you're at it, roast a few vegetables on Sunday, including beets and even butternut squash. Just cube, toss with a little olive oil and roast at 400˚F until tender. You can toss these with a salad during the week for a warm, and sweet addition.

Here are
5 MMM MMM good Fall salad ideasto get you started, use today and our tip to start planning next week's menu!

Makeover your lunch and even dinners with these delicious and healthy salad additions. Start with a base of greens, including arugula, kale, chard, and spinach. Enjoy!

  1. Avocado. Delicious and satiating, avocado is a wonderful ingredient to lunch, whether sliced over a salad or blended into a smoothie.

  2. Kale. Take pre-washed and torn kale and "massage" olive oil into it, letting it sit for an hour or overnight. Toss this with dried cranberries, toasted walnuts, and some apple slices or roasted butternut squash. Antioxidant heaven!

  3. Makeover your idea of salad with grains. Bulgur and quinoa are tasty additions to an otherwise green salad. Make a batch at the beginning of the week and use some for an oatmeal variation, and the rest for a savory salad topping. Just add fresh herbs, nuts, celery, or cooked summer squash.

  4. Freshen the Cobb salad. Cobb salads are awesome, but the bacon and heavy dressing isn't quite as fabulous. Instead, use turkey and boiled eggs. Try a deeper green for your base and load it with other mixed veggies.

  5. Go for the orange. Oranges provide you with some vitamin C, a helpful nutrient during cold season. Bring an orange and throw it on top of your green salad. Squeezing some of the juice on top for a fresh dressing. Serve with roasted pumpkin seeds.

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