Halloween Candy Detox


April Daniels Hussar, SELF magazine

Did you eat your butt off last night-maybe even have a full-blown sugarfest, only to feel incredibly guilty this morning? Relax! You're definitely not alone. But after all that candy, you may have woken up this morning feeling a bit bloated. Wondering how to send that puffiness on its way? Follow these four simple steps to beat that belly bulge!

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1. Say NO to salt.
After all that sweet stuff, you may be craving something salty. Eating lots of salty snacks makes your belly retain water, resulting in that bloated, puffy feeling. Instead of reaching for high-sodium chips and crackers, go for a handful of raw almonds or a bag of unsalted air-popped popcorn!

2. Don't skip a meal. Fasting can boost your brain's desire for higher-calorie foods, leading to over-eating later on in the day. Instead of skipping a meal, focus on having five small, low-fat meals that will keep your metabolism revved up and your hunger at a minimum. Large meals make your stomach work harder to break down that extra food, resulting in unnecessary bloat.

Related: Foods That Fight Belly Bloat

3. Pass on pop. Fizzy beverages lead to bubbles in your stomach causing that unwanted puffiness. Swap out your carbonated drink for a cup of soothing tea! As a natural bloating remedy, peppermint tea with soothe your digestive tract, help your stomach muscles relax and release that extra gas.

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4. Fill up on fiber.
Avoid that sugar crash and spike in your blood sugar by filling up on fiber-rich foods that will help flush out your system. Try oatmeal with berries and flaxseed for breakfast, a turkey sandwich with cucumber on whole-wheat bread for lunch, or vegetable chili for dinner! Between meals, choose healthy snacks like raw carrot sticks and hummus or a fruit smoothie with low-fat yogurt. The extra fruits, veggies and whole grains will help you feel fuller for longer.

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