Health Controversy: The Taco Bell ... Diet

You loved their double-decker tacos in college (and, well, maybe you still do!), but could Taco Bell help you lose weight? The company has launched a new diet plan that's raising some eyebrows ...

First came Subway and their guy Jared. Next up, Taco Bell and their gal Christine, who lost weight with ... tacos. Yep, Taco Bell says Christine Dougherty, 27, ate various foods from Taco Bell's reduced-calorie "Fresco menu" about five to eight times a week and voila--she dropped about 54 pounds (proof: in recent Taco Bell ads, Dougherty is seen flaunting her bikini bod).

Related: 10 Ways to Reverse Holiday Weight Gain-Fast!

But, really now, can you eat fast food "five to eight" times per week and truly lose weight--and get all the nutrition you need? Because let's be real here--Mexi Fries don't count as a veggie.

Important point of clarification: Taco Bell's so-called "Drive-Thru Diet" is based on it's "Fresco" fare, which is the same burritos and tacos on the regular menu but they're stripped of shredded cheese and sauce and come with a tomato, onion and cilantro salsa. Apparently this substitution reduces the meal by 20 to 100 calories.

Really now, does this work? Joan Salge Blake, a registered dietitian and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, had this to say to CNN: "There's nothing innately magical about Taco Bell" and that eating fewer calories "can be done at many eateries, in your own home. There's many ways to do this."

Dr. Melina Jampolis,'s Diet and Fitness expert and a physician nutrition specialist, said the Dougherty commercials may be a little misleading. "They're giving far too much credit to the Taco Bell product," she said. "Whenever you reduce by 500 calories and make reasonable, healthy choices, you're going to lose weight."

BTW, I hate to sound like a party pooper, but I'm giving the "Cookie Diet" a thumbs down.

What do you think of the Taco Bell diet?