Healthier teeth start here.

Brace yourself for some not-so-fun facts. More than 10 million germs can be living on the head of a toothbrush at any given time. Those germs can cause tooth decay and gum disease (which is linked to heart disease and other health issues). Plus, viruses that cause colds and the flu can live on toothbrushes for days. And these are the instruments we use to clean our teeth and gums!

Violight UV Toothbrush Sanitizers
Violight UV Toothbrush Sanitizers

Fortunately, there's an easy way to make sure those germs don't transfer to your mouth. Violight toothbrush sanitizers use the same ultraviolet technology that sterilizes hospital equipment to physically destroy the DNA of microorganisms found on a toothbrush. And it doesn't take a lot of effort. After brushing, you insert the toothbrush into the Violight device, press the button, and the sanitizing begins. The glow of the UV rays lets you know it's working to kill 99.9% of germs in 10 minutes flat.

Joel Pinsky and son Jono
Joel Pinsky and son Jono

The idea for Violight came after Joel Pinsky dropped his toothbrush on the bathroom floor - just hours after his electrician had stood there with mud-covered work boots. Joel tapped his fashion-industry experience to design a compact, attractive alternative to bulky, complicated sanitizers already on the market. Then he enlisted the help of his son, Jono, to help run the business. Their countertop model plugs into an outlet and holds up to four toothbrushes (or electric toothbrush heads) so you don't have to worry about cross-contamination of bacteria from one toothbrush to another - which is especially important when you have sick siblings or young ones who think it's fun to share toothbrushes.

We're also featuring three battery-operated sanitizers: the Violight Zapi for individual brushes; the VioLight Dental Spa for retainers, mouth guards, invisible braces and whitening trays; and the Violight Travel for sanitizing at the office, gym or on a trip.

With germ-free toothbrushes, you'll have one less thing to worry about… especially when someone accidentally drops a toothbrush on the floor (or worse!).

Buy Violight UV Toothbrush Sanitizers here.

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