One of the things that can be at the root of so many of the little things that bother us... little aches and pains... an occasional cramp or a swelling joint here and there... just might very well be an inefficient digestive system.

Let's talk about that for a moment. The drinking water in many communities even from your community's own well systems if managed by a water management company, as you might expect, has chlorine in it. That is a good thing. It kills bacteria. The only problem is... that it kills ALL bacteria... even the good or "friendly" bacteria that hangs out in our digestive system. That friendly bacteria is very important to the digiestive process.

What I do is... every morning, have a good healthy-size tablespoon of non-flavored (vanilla is ok), non-sweetened plain yougurt. As you probably know... yogurt has many of those "friendly" bacteria and can replace the good bacteria lost to the chlorine.

The next thing is, yep... peristalsis. What the heck is peristalsis? For those of you who may not know what peristalsis is.... it is the wavy, rippling motion that moves the food you have eaten along the digestive system pathways.

Poor peristalsis can cause food particles to build up along the side walls of your intestines thereby slowing the entire process down and resulting in blockage which, among other things, can result in constipation. Not to mention other things resulting from those things remaining in your digestive track.

One of the best things you can do, besides having the yogurt is to season your food with a spice called, Turmeric. It is absolutely beneficial to peristalsis and overall digestive system efficiency. Put it on your dropped eggs... season your baked chicken with it... it's a terrific spice for just about anything. It's the spice that's in and makes curry, yellow.

A couple other natural thi

ngs for you to consider are bromelain extract (from Pineapple) and/or papain or paypaya extract. Bromelain is a great thing to take after eating and especially for folks like me who are prone to uric acid build-up in the joints. I use 80mg Bromelain chewables that also have 20mg of papain. But, I keep some 500mg bromelain around in case I have not been diligent about the chewables and find myself with a gout attack. I take a couple of the bromelain tablets with a nice big glass of cherry juice a few times a day... and in a couple of days or so... the uric acid crystals are disolved and eliminated.

And, don't forget your electrolytes. If you're experiencing leg and other muscle cramps, it may be that you are dehydrated. That can be possible, even if you're drinking alot of water as you should be... but not replacing the electrolytes lost in perspiration and other bodily functions. The basic electrolytes are Potassium, Sodium, Chloride and Magnesium. Gatorade and other sports drinks can be ok... but contain a large amount of sugar. Pedialyte (found in the baby food section) can be a pretty good choice. Ask your medical professional for some possible solutions as well.

In any event... these are things I do... I find them very efficient for ME... but, I recommend that, should you decide these things might also be good for you.... get on the phone and check with your medical professional. At the very least it will be important to find out how these supplements, natural as they may be... might react with your prescription medications.

Don't forget... a tablespoon of plain yougurt and regular use of Turmeric.

Take care... be well. Vince

(Vince DeMattia is a former Hollywood Reporter and Daily Variety staff reporter and former Las Vegas Jazz radio announcer.)