Hong Kong Ladies Live Longer: 3 Ways You Can Too

By: StacyAtZeel

The fountain of youth may be more attainable than you think. According to a recent study, women in Hong Kong have mastered the art of living long, healthy lives, surpassing former reigning champion Tokyo with an average life expectancy of 86.7 years.

So, what's their secret?

Get Moving

The trick: Exercise is one of the primary reasons behind why Hong Kong's female population is so resilient. Women (and men too!) visit the local YWCA on a regular basis well into their 90′s and even 100′s in search of daily group dance classes and slow-moving therapies like tai chi.

What you can do: Be proactive. Tai chi studios are popping up all over the U.S., the martial arts-inspired practice which was recently supported by the NCCAM. If livelier exercises are more your style, do like the women of Hong Kong and dance! Zumba classes can be a great way to get moving while having fun, and there are even aqua-based classes for older adults.

All in the Family

The trick: In Hong Kong, the importance of family is heard loud and clear. Unlike American households, the majority of residents live with their extended families in addition to their nuclear clan, from parents to grandparents and more. In the U.S., on the other hand, nearly 40 percent of elderly individuals live alone and are rarely surrounded by company or conversation.

What you can do: While it may be unrealistic to invite your parents or in-laws to move on in, small efforts can still make a big difference. Zeel Expert and Mom Dishes It Out blogger Laura Cipullo is constantly highlighting the importance of eating meals as a family, for example. Try to plan family meals several times a week, and if that's too difficult, then be sure to gather the troops on the weekend.

A Positive Attitude

The trick: Anxiety and stress run rampant here in the states-especially in overwhelming metropolitan cities. Despite chaos and tension, the ladies of Hong Kong seem to truly embrace the meaning of "live life to the fullest." Through good times and bad, positivity abounds.

What you can do: As many wellness practitioners will tell you, tension manifests itself in so many aspects of our lives, causing consequential problems like illness, fatigue and disease. Fight stress with meditative practices. Try sitting in a quiet space and breathing deeply, booking a massage or acupuncture session, or signing up for yoga.