How About 'Dem Apples?: Why Water is Not Enough to Clean Your Produce

It's a quarter past starving, and you're sitting in the office with an apple in hand. Red, shiny, plump and calling your name. But under the surface, you have a piece of fruit that's been touched by more than 20 hands, and sprayed with dozens of pesticides, waxes and pollutants. Think a little water will wash it clean? Think again. Why would any farmer spray something that would wash away with rain? Bingo.

You Are What You Eat

Last year, more than 78,000,000 cases of foodborne illness and 5,000 related deaths were reported in the United States alone. Now consider this − 80-percent of foodborne illness is attributed to poor food handling practices. Yikes!

In a sample test by the Environmental Working Group, up to 53 pesticides were found on peaches. Environmental toxins have been linked to autism, cancer and Parkinson's disease, and children are most affected due to their lowered immunities. Recent consumer reports have even shown proof of fecal residue on bagged salad. Aside from pesticides and residue, farmers often spray fruit and veggies with a wax to make it look shiny and pretty. But ultimately, that wax can house microbes, not to mention the unpleasant texture and taste.

So is the solution to buy organic? It's definitely better for you, but experts are now finding that buying organic is no guarantee it's 100-percent pesticide or germ-free.

Natural Ways to Prepare and Clean Your Produce

That's Just Rotten. Cut off damaged or bruised areas on fresh fruits and vegetables. If it looks rotten, it probably is - throw it away ding dong.

Eat Cleaner. Simply put, water isn't enough even if you buy organic or peel the crap out of it. Eat Cleaner is a new all-natural line of food wash and wipes that cleans produce, poultry and seafood by stripping away pesticides, contaminants, bacteria, debris and waxes. The product comes in a spray or as disposable food wipes, which are perfect for road trips, camping or for kids who need a wipe at lunchtime. Bonus: it actually makes food taste better. No way! Yes way. Double bonus: It prevents browning and increases produce shelf life by 200-percent. Go to for more.

Ice-berg for a Reason. Certain perishable fruits and vegetables like strawberries, lettuce, herbs and mushrooms are best stored in a clean fridge at 40 degrees F or below. If you're buying pre-cut and peeled produce, make sure they are in the fridge. Don't forget, just because it says "pre-washed" doesn't mean it's safe to eat. Try a product like Eat Cleaner to give it a good scrub.

Authored by Julie C. for Healthy b---- Daily.

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