How do you avoid convenience foods?

Okay, we all know that we're not supposed to be eating convenience foods--boxed things, bagged things, canned things. They're all full of things that will immediately stop your heart, one time in twenty, and if it doesn't, it will inch you that much closer to death anyway, and then you will start to excrete gravy from your pores and develop a facial tic. Seriously, I've seen it happen. It's also the reason I wear a mask (don't look at me, I'm an animal).

Eating right just got easier! Simply buy what's on the shopping list to make a week's worth of tasty, low-calorie meals.

But there is something about the convenience foods that makes me keep coming back. Maybe because--they're convenient! There really is nothing like being able to throw a little tray into a microwave and end up with a totally mediocre pile of calories at the end of two minutes. There are tradeoffs--the mediocrity, the facial tic, and the heart murmur--but some days, the flavor doesn't matter and the health problems seem very distant, unlikely, far away.

Do you succumb to the lure of the convenience food, despite all the badness and downright disgustingness? Do you wish you had the wherewithal to always shun the easy quick fix and make something homemade and healthy? Or do you have said wherewithal, and can you share just how the heck you do it, please? And are there alternatives? Foods that are convenient, but not the convenience foods that are so terrible for us? We need you in the comments.

Related: Keep these basics in your kitchen and you'll always have something on hand to whip up a light, nutritious meal.