How to avoid post-election depression when your candidate doesn't win

After months and months of election news, it's hard to believe that it's all going to be over tomorrow night, isn't it? (That is, unless we don't have another hanging-chad debacle.) I've had people, on both sides of the political spectrum, tell me they're worried about feeling down--even depressed--if their candidate loses. Quite frankly, I'm worried too, so I sleuthed out some tips for all of us ...

If you're like me, you've been a fiend for election news, obsessed with polls and probably have a political bumper sticker on your car or maybe a sign in your front yard. If you're a better person than me, you've probably even signed up to campaign for your candidate. I think, in some way, we've all been touched by the election season. And if our candidate wins, it's like a really long wait for Christmas and then a big celebration. If he loses, it's like Santa skipped your house.

Here are even more worrisome things we should stop fretting over this very second.

The post-election blues are totally normal and quite expected, says Rebecca Roy, a Southern-California-based psychotherapist. And when your guy loses, here's how to deal (without having to move to Canada):

It's OK to be angry, but not for long. "Take the time to acknowledge your anger or resentment," she says. "Then let go of it. It will not help you in the long run and can actually damage you emotionally and physically. If you simply cannot stomach the idea that your candidate didn't win, ask yourself how you have dealt successfully with other losses in your life. Whether it's physical exercise, venting to friends or just finding a way to get to a place of acceptance, do it as soon as you feel you can."

Reach "across the aisle." "The best way to let go of anger when your candidate doesn't win is to reach across the aisle," she says. "Nothing is solved by holding onto grudges, and what is done is done. Find a way to help out in your community, come together with others who have a different point of view and give them a chance to air it. You may be surprised at what you learn."

Choose to be at peace. "...It isn't the event that defines who we are, but how we respond to it. You can make the choice to be angry and resentful, or you can make a choice to be positive and make a difference despite your personal feelings." (Find peace within yourself with these helpful tips.)

Are you worried about how you'll feel if your candidate loses? And if you were a Kerry supporter during the last election, how did you feel when he lost? No biggie or big-time bummer?

[photo credit: Getty Images]