How to Shake Up a Stale Workout Buddy Routine

Source: How to Shake Up A Stale Workout Buddy Routine

Workout buddies can be the key to keeping you motivated to stay on track with your workout routine. But your enthusiasm can wane, no matter how much your friend keeps encouraging you, if you both are tired of doing the same exercise routine every time you see each other. Here are a few ways to keep your workout buddy routine from becoming stale.

  1. Try a new class together: You've got your favorites, but you're just not looking forward to quality time on the treadmill anymore. Instead, pick something on the class schedule or try out a nearby studio that you've both overlooked. You both may find that you actually love that new hybrid class that you thought would be ridiculous.

  2. Get competitive: Nothing spurs a workout like a dose of healthy competition. Make a friendly bet with your workout buddy - like, say, the one who sticks to their weekly workout schedule gets to pick the next post-workout dinner spot - and give it your all.

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  1. Move it outside: Do you have a standing date with your workout buddy at the gym after work? If it's getting old, try doing something different, like strength training in the park on a nice weekend day or ditching the elliptical for an outdoor jog.

  2. Share your goals: You've got your own reasons for working out, but do you know why your workout buddy is just as committed? Knowing whether she wants to drop five pounds or just build up her endurance will help you motivate her as you both work toward your goals, and be just as excited when she reaches hers as you will be when you attain yours.

  3. See other people: I don't mean drop a good workout buddy, just add a few new motivating friends to your list. Sometimes nothing refreshes a commitment to fitness like adding to your roster of workout buddies. Think of it as the more the merrier, since you'll always have someone to give you that extra push when all you want to do is skip the day's run.

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