I Can't Believe it's Not Vaseline: How & Why to Make your Own Petroleum Jelly Alternative

Written by Melanie Kozlan, Four Green Steps.com

There seems to be an ongoing debate to whether petroleum based products such as Vaseline should be considered a health concern, especially considering the FDA's infamous loose regulations for the cosmetics industry. The bottom-line seems to be that it is not a major health concern as long as it is only used externally. Unfortunately, this discounts breathing it in and our skins natural ability to absorb what we lather it with. Since petroleum jelly is obviously derived from petroleum many prefer to rely on all natural alternatives for extreme moisturizing and considering how easy and inexpensive it is to make, why take your chances with anything else? Here is a simple recipe for making your own 'Un-petroleum jelly' (Not interested in DIY? Buy actual Un-Petroleum Jelly and other natural products in our Green marketplace!

What you'll need:

  • Beeswax (Check with your local community for the best deals, usually its incredibly cheap to buy in bulk)

  • Olive oil (You can use any natural oil (sunflower,canola,almond...)

  • Essential oils of your choice (If you want to customize it)


  1. Heat up your beeswax either by stove-top or microwave and mix with 1/2 cup of olive oil for each 1 oz of beeswax. Mix in essential oils of your choice (lavender, mint...whatever you want).

  2. Let cool and store in a recycled jar.

Suggestions: This mixture is amazing for extreme moisturizing. Use it for chapped lips, hands and use on your face and neck over night to avoid wrinkles.

Images courtesy of Creative Commons.