Insanity's Shaun T's Last-Minute Diet and Exercise Tips

Source: Insanity's Shaun T's Last-Minute Diet and Exercise Tips

Shaun T, the personal trainer who's motivated millions with his at-home workouts, knows how to get people in shape in a short amount of time. After all, his Insanity workout program promises incredible results in just 60 days of sweating and jumping in front of your TV. With Summer a mere few weeks away, we spoke with Shaun about how to get in shape for anything - whether it's a beach holiday, wedding, or event - when you've only got a little time. Find out his recommendations below!

Watch your drink calories:
"Don't drink your calories. That's the number one rule of thumb: not to drink your calories. It will eliminate so many calories in your body. Everybody knows that sugar that's not burnt off eventually turns into fat," says Shaun, who's also holding live workouts nationwide to promote his partnership with Powerade Zero. Shaun recommends portion control and cutting the amount of sugars and carbs in your diet in half, but "still ensure you have enough energy during the day," he says.

Kick it up a notch:
"If you're a person who works out at the gym, try to take [fewer] breaks," Shaun recommends. "If you're a weight lifter, while you're not doing weights, try to do some different cardio exercise in between to try to ramp up the calorie burn."

Go for full body:
There's no way you're going to spot-train your way to your beach body. "You've got to do a full-body workout so your whole body is moving and burning calories and functionally training so you can see results from all over," Shaun recommends.

Do your research:
You'll be more likely to stick with a workout routine that you love, so don't be flippant when picking a workout. "Choose something that you're going to have fun doing," Shaun says. "Search it out; don't just jump into a program because your friends are doing it. Look at it, review it, and make sure you're gonna have fun. And if you're gonna have fun with that and, on top of that, you have someone who wants to do it with you, you can't go wrong."

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